We are excited to officially announce that we have renovated and moved our Avon office! We are now located at 36775 Detroit Rd, across the street from our previous space (where we had been since 2010). We have merged North Ridgeville Eye Care (effective 3/1/25) into this office to provide better hours, availability and staffing!

Click HERE to learn more.

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Avon Eye Design

Avon Eye Design is proud to be a member of Vision Source, a national organization of the best and brightest private practices. This allows us to provide the highest quality, best technology, and finest eye care but also the premier value in prices for contact lenses and frames/lenses.

Our doctors think outside the box to exceed your expectations. Both doctors are from the local area and graduated from The Ohio State University College of Optometry. They offer the newest technology, always staying ahead of the curve. They have a brand new eye pressure sensor that replaces the “air-puff test”, with more accuracy and without drops or air. They perform Optomap widefield imaging annually: digital retinal photos of the back of the eye with more detail and precision than any other test (in only a few seconds). It can detect any risk of retinal problems, tears, detachments, and macular degeneration.

They are an eco-friendly office with reduced dependence on paper products and a proud supporter of local businesses. They belong to the Avon Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce, sponsor local Little League & T-ball, and are a drop-off site for used glasses for those in need.

Schedule an appointment and give your vision the level of care and attention it deserves.

We are a member of Vision Source Northeast Ohio, a network of eye care professionals dedicated to providing focused, innovative, and trusted care to our communities. Learn more at northeastohiovisionsource.com.