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Doctors & Staff

At Avon Eye Design, it’s important to us that we treat patients like family. Our eye doctors will take the time to get to know you and explain exactly what is going on with your eyes.

Our Doctors

Our doctors perform more than 25 hours of continuing education hours and surgical observation each year, constantly staying ahead of the field with information on the latest technology, medical treatment, and eye care advancements.

Avon Eye Design annually sponsors a local little league team, is a proud member of the Avon/Avon Lake Lions Club and North Coast Chamber of Commerce, donates free eye exams to those in need, and is constantly staying involved with community service projects/events throughout the year.

John Novak, O.D.

Dr. John Novak grew up in the Cleveland area, graduated from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science in 2001, and is a 2005 graduate of The Ohio State University College of Optometry.

Dr. Novak completed a hospital-based residency at the Cleveland Wade Park Veterans Affairs Medical Center in 2005-2006. He gained additional experience with the U.S. Public Health Service working on the Navajo Indian Reservation in Arizona. Dr. Novak participated in the Student Volunteers for Optometric Services to Humanity with a trip to the Dominican Republic in 2004, providing eye exams to those in need. He travels to El Salvador annually in humanitarian efforts and is on the board for Eye Care International as well as the Avon Lions Club.

Dr. Novak attends as many Cleveland and OSU sporting events as time allows. He plays soccer and stays active in the community and his local church.

Brooke Bader, O.D.

Dr. Brooke Bader grew up in Elyria and is in the Elyria Sports Hall of Fame. She is a 2001 graduate of Bucknell University with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a 4-year letter winner in volleyball; and is a 2005 graduate of The Ohio State University College of Optometry.

Dr. Bader completed medical rotations at the Aran Eye Institute in Miami, FL, where she worked at several ophthalmology offices in different specialties. She has also participated in SVOSH with a trip to the Dominican Republic in 2004, providing eye exams to those in need. Dr. Bader volunteers throughout the year with the Ohio Optometric Association Real Eyes program going to local schools, teaching students about eye care.

Dr. Bader resides in Avon, with her husband, who works and coaches in the local schools, and their four children, continuing to coach volleyball as well.

Dr. Jennifer McNamara pictured with her arms around two friends on a sunny day

Jennifer McNamara, O.D.

Dr. Jennifer McNamara is originally from Avon Lake, and graduated from OSU with her undergraduate degree in 2005 and Doctor of Optometry in 2009. She is highly experienced in pediatrics and specialty contact lens fittings, previously working with the Cleveland Clinic and NOMS Healthcare.

Dr. McNamara is also on the board for Eye Care International and travels and volunteers annually to El Salvador.

She has been racing triathlons since 2014, completing 3 Ironman competitions. She spends time with her family and friends and dog, Jax, while remaining heavily involved in the local Avon Lions Club.

Our Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly staff who make Avon Eye Design the leading provider of vision care products and services in Avon (and the entire Cleveland area). Our office would be nothing without these talented and dedicated staff members.

Jackie, Office Manager

Paige, Optical/Technician

Holly, Optician

Michelle, Optical/Technician

Abbie, Patient Relations

Laura, Patient Relations

Rachel, Patient Relations

Carol, Patient Relations

Grace, Patient Relations

Sarah, Patient Relations